Sermon Topic: Family

Always Trusts

| January 16, 2022

We hope you’ll listen to last week’s message so you can get the visual of the red Solo cup in your head. That cup is a great encouragement. We know while we are making excuses and dragging our feet, God is waving flies away from our “cup” and waiting in love for our response. Ours is an Always God who never disappoints. This week we discover that he is also a God we can trust, who calls us into a trusting community. I can’t wait to talk through this one with you, as we learn together what it means to be an Always Family.

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Sweet Communion

| December 26, 2021

Join us for a special message designed to help us as a family catch a vision for online worship in 2022. We are excited for the chance to speak directly to our online family! We'll also talk more about our word for the season ahead: sweet communion.

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A Common Table

| November 7, 2021

Folks, I can't wait to be with you around the Table and around our tables this Sunday! We will come together at 10:30a for ONE COMBINED WORSHIP SERVICE this Sunday. We will remember the story of Jesus' last meal on earth, experience holy communion as a family, then spread out around town to enjoy meals and conversations around each others' tables. What a pleasure it will be to be in each others' homes again! What a joy to just enjoy each other! I'm so looking forward to this time together. And if you can't make a meal, come to worship anyway. We want you with us in whatever way you can be with us, as we celebrate this common life!

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