“God has taught me so much through the Mosaic community. He has taught me how inward holiness and outward/active holiness can be in great harmony. He has also taught me how challenging but how “worth it” Christian community truly is.”
LifeGroups offer:
- a place to grow in Christ-like character and emotional health in the context of community.
- a stable, predictable, dependable group to do life with.
- a semester system that provides clear start and end dates, as well as breaks between semesters so you get some downtime.
- quality leadership, solid studies, and a safe place to learn and grow spiritually.
- a place at the table to connect with others like you.
- a place to love, learn, and live to welcome and advance the Kingdom of God.
- Groups meet on Zoom, Mosaic, and in homes throughout the week.
- Wednesday night groups meet at Mosaic and are family focused. Childcare is provided on Wednesdays, and activities are scheduled for elementary, middle and high school students.
LifeGroups are open to any adult above high-school age. You don’t have to attend Mosaic to attend a group. Our goal is discipleship, not membership.
Discipleship Bands:
A Discipleship Band is a group of three to five people who meet to build enriching relationships and pray together. A Band is for those who wish to share life on a deeper level with a few others. It is for those who face real life and want to journey with real people. Band meetings days and times are decided by the members. For more information on how you can connect with a Band, contact Christopher Goss.
Three-Steps Forward with God LifeGroup
Three-Steps Forward with God is the perfect group for those who are new to Mosaic or want to develop skills in learning to walk with God in community. This group is a brief six-weeks. It will help you “stick your toes in the water” and learn more about what it means to be part of a LifeGroup at Mosaic. Join us! All you need is your Bible, something to write on, and something to write with. For more information contact Christopher Goss.
The Healing Academy:
Jesus did powerful works of healing and deliverance, then passed his mission on to his followers saying, “As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; Freely give.” So a sign of the in-breaking Kingdom of God is healing an deliverance from all sorts of disease and darkness. And we are called to be part of the work.
The Healing Academy is a great place to start answering the call of Christ to help heal the sick and deliver his people from darkness. The Healing Academy will function as a LifeGroup and as a team in learning and practicing the ministries of healing prayer, prophetic prayer, and deliverance. With meetings twice a month, Healing Academy members will read assigned texts to learn and develop its ministry activities, then practice what is learned by meeting with those in need for extended prayer and healing sessions.
For More:
Christopher Goss
Lead Pastor
E-mail: christopher@mosaicchurchevans.org
Phone: 706.831.6351
“The first church retreat was one of my favorite Mosaic memories, and it was truly transformative. The most impactful part of the retreat for me was the part I dreaded the most- Carolyn had us take this heart shaped puzzle and go around the room and talk to people we did not interact with often and get their names to write on the pieces. By the end of the retreat, I felt much closer to my church family and made new friendships. This is a memory I think of often!”
Cultivating Community
Mosaic’s LifeGroups meet regularly throughout the week in-person at Mosaic, in homes, and using Zoom online meeting platform. If you would like to connect with a group but aren’t ready to meet in person, contact the group leader and he or she will send you a link to join. To contact the leader, find the group you are interested in and simply click. Once you are there, you’ll see a blue button that says, “contact group leader.” Click the button and write your message. Find your group and get connected!
“Mosaic taught me how to love a community full of people, and how to stay in it through challenges and blessings. I love these people with my whole heart, and am so grateful to God for sending just who he has sent into this beautiful mosaic.”
Group | Day | Time | Ages | Locations | Location | Topic | Childcare? | Status |
Men's Accountability | Tuesday | 6:30-8:00pm | 21+ | Main Campus | Main Campus - Room 12 | Accountability | No | Open |
Free Tuesdays Grief Share | Tuesday | 7:00-9:00pm | 18+ | Main Campus | Main Campus - Room 1 | Support | No | Open |
Freedom and Healing from Spiritual Trauma | Tuesday | 7:00-8:00pm | 18+ | Main Campus | Main Campus - Room 2 | 12-Step Recovery, Accountability | No | Open |
Freedom from Chemical Dependancy | Tuesday | 7:00-8:00pm | 18+ | Main Campus, Zoom Online Meeting | Main Campus - Room 3 - Cafe | 12-Step Recovery, Accountability, Addiction Recovery, Spiritual Formation | No | Open |
Freedom from Codependency | Tuesday | 7:00-8:00pm | 18+ | Main Campus, Zoom Online Meeting | Main Campus - The Mosaic Center | 12-Step Recovery, Accountability, Spiritual Formation | No | Open |
Bags-N-Hugs | Thursday | 9:30-11:00am | 18+ | Main Campus | Main Campus - The Mosaic Center | Fellowship, General Study, Service | No | Open |
Made For Worship | Thursday | 6:30-7:30pm | 18+ | Main Campus | Main Campus - Room 2 | Service , Spiritual Formation | No | Open |
Healing Academy | Various | 10:30am-12:30pm | 21+ | Main Campus | Main Campus - Room 2 | Faith, Healing, Prayer | No | Open |
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