Big God. Big Hearts.

Big God. Big Hearts.

Son of Encouragement

| March 20, 2022

Barnabas is an underrated, under-noticed superstar in the story of God. We almost never hear about him, though he played a huge role in the advancement of the gospel. His story teaches us that gifts come in all kinds of forms ... encouragement, mentoring, advocacy, evangelistic zeal ... even patience with impatient people! I look forward to talking with you about Barnabas' story as we continue exploring God's heart for big-hearted people.

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Big God. Big Hearts.

You Belong

| March 27, 2022

Paul talks a lot about spiritual gifts and the body of Christ ... Corinthians, Ephesians, Romans, Galatians ... and in every place Paul sends the same overall message -- You belong! You belong to something lasting, real, and meaningful. You belong to something bigger than yourself. What would happen in our lives and in our community if we each internalized that reality? That's what we'll talk about this Sunday. Heather Hill is our preacher and she can't wait to share what the Lord put on her heart for us.

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Big God. Big Hearts.

Hearts For Prayer

| March 13, 2022

In the formation of the early church, there came a moment when the leaders realized that by trying to do it all themselves, they might actually end up neglecting the most important stuff. The solution is too simple: call forward those with the right gifts and give them authority to do the things they are good at doing. This is how the Kingdom is advanced. This week, we'll talk more about what the early Church can teach us about advancing the Kingdom without wearing folks out.

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Big God. Big Hearts.

Don’t Hit Back

| March 6, 2022

This week, our message is from Romans 12:17-21, where Paul gives such great wisdom on what it means to live in "sweet communion." Paul teaches us how to "be" with each other, which is a great thing to (re)learn after a long season of disconnection. Ultimately, Paul wants us to remember that the world is not the problem. The world is the prize!Don't

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