Sermon Topic: Miracles

Faith in the Story
It is a miracle that Mary would have such faith as to believe that God's plan could be accomplished through her. But the miracle of faith is not just Mary's. There are miracles of faith all over the Christmas story. Joseph believed the word of angels. The shepherds talked to angels, too, and believed what they were told. Elizabeth (Mary's aunt) was filled with the Holy Spirit and believed that God was working out his plan through her also. And what the Story of Christmas asked of those faith-stretched people, it asks of us too. And every time faith happens, it is a miracle. What is the story of Christmas asking you believe about God? What is it asking you to believe of the world around you? What new level of faith is it calling you toward?

The 5 and The 95
The miracles are there from the very beginning, from the moment in which the angel Gabriel announced the conception and birth of Jesus to the humble virgin of Nazareth, whose name was Mary. Miracles are not, by definition, an everyday occurrence. Nor are they non-existent in our world. I suspect they happen much more often than we recognize. How would your faith be renewed and your hope restored by watching for where God is at work this holiday season, so you can join him?

The Jesus Stuff
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free, and that the time of the Lord’s favor has come.”
~ Luke 4:18-19
What Luke (and Isaiah) said? That's exactly what Jesus did. That was his mission statement. Jesus healed blind people, and raised dead people, and set free those who were oppressed by demons. He met people right where they were and called down healing over them ... over and over again (at least 40 times in the gospels). In scene after scene, we see Jesus touching people and loving them and proclaiming healing over them. Friends, healing is the stuff Jesus did! And as followers of Jesus, we also are called to be healers and to do "the Jesus stuff." Let's talk about that. Let's get inspired by the healing stories among us to step into the healing life of a Jesus-loving, hand-laying, prayer-proclaiming, trust-and-obeying believer! See you Sunday!

He is Enough
This Sunday, we get miracles! Big ones! And we'll learn through these powerful stories in Mark 6 that even when we don't feel like we are enough, Jesus is. We're excited this week to receive this message from Katherine Reiley, our summer intern. Katherine is headed to Asbury Seminary this fall, so we have the real joy this week of supporting her as she sticks her toes into the beautiful waters of her calling. Come and be blessed by a good word as you encourage a preacher-in-the-making ... and come ready for a miracle.
Topics: Enoughness, Miracles

Be Realistic
The gospel is full of paradox. Jesus is always saying things like, "The last will be first," and, "If you want to live, you must be willing to die." It seems that in the process of following Jesus, things are not always what they seem. Sunday's message gives us one more example of Kingdom paradox: If you want a miracle, be realistic
Topics: Expectancy vs. Expectation, Miracles, The Reality Of Jesus