Sermon Topic: Contemplation

Deep Prayer

| May 1, 2022

Many years ago, when I was first contemplating the idea of planting a church, I came across a book, entitled, “Journey Inward, Journey Outward.” Just the title was enough to spark a revelation in me. It was the first time I’d put words to what I sensed the Church was to be about. It is to cultivate in every person a rhythm of contemplation and action, prayer and service. That rhythm is critical to a healthy and deepening spiritual life because it is only as we connect with God that we can genuinely and lovingly connect with the world around us. That rhythm is at the heart of the series we begin this Sunday. "The Deeply Formed Life" is an opportunity to explore that rhythm of prayer and service, using some very specific topics to guide the conversation. Along the way, we’ll discuss racial reconciliation, missional presence, sexual wholeness, and interior examination. I believe this conversation will call us deeper into our practice of the faith as it calls us deeper into our mission as a church. I look forward to diving in. ~ Carolyn

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Step Two | Confession

| August 15, 2021

This month, we are learning together how to use a simple tool to take us Three Steps Forward in our own spiritual life, while we learn how to disciple others in the way of Jesus. "The Card" helps us ask good questions of God, ourselves, and the Bible, both personally and in our LifeGroups. Last week, we learned how to "read" scripture by listening to the Holy Spirit as we listen to a passage. This week, we'll talk about how to let that passage personally shape our response to life by using reflective questions that allow us to have a deeper conversation with the Bible under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I'm just really excited to talk through this method of devotional reading with you, and look forward to worshiping and working the Word together.

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Step One | Contemplation

| August 8, 2021

Welcome to week 2 of "The Card is our Culture." To create a world that looks like Jesus, you have to make disciples of King Jesus. This week we are taking a deep dive into Step One in the work of disciple making -- scripture contemplation. Join us as we look at how to hear the message of scripture more clearly and teach others to do the same.
