Longing For God
Topics: Hope, Repentance, Return
This Sunday we continue to explore the messages of the minor prophets. The prophet Habbakuk calls us to a kind of devotion that isn't rooted in circumstances but in the goodness of God. Mike Barr will be our preacher. If your life and health allow, grab a mask and join us in person this week. We can't wait to see you.
Topics: Signs & Wonders, Transformation
We are discovering, week by week, as we explore the Minor Prophets of the Old Testament, that they are only minor in size. Their messages are profound and teach us so much about God and his longing for us, his people. This week we will explore the message of Micah and be reminded of what it means to be a gathered people of God.
Of all the minor prophets, Jonah gets my heart because he is so ... human. His story is also deceptive. The Veggie Tales version makes it seem like a fun story with a good moral lesson. But it is so much more than that (spoiler alert: its not about the fish). his is as fine a prophetic vision as you'll read anywhere, and if you have ears to hear, it will strike a deeply personal note.
Topics: Repentance, salvation
Are there promises over your life wiating to be fulfilled? Are you wondering where God is in that ocess, or what you can do to more fully participate in seeing him move? This Sunday, we will talk about those promises and about God's longing to see us move into his plan for our lives. Mark Freitag, our preacher for the day, will walk us through the the book of Zechariah on the way to showing us how to uncover the rewards of God’s blessing upon our lives.
Topics: The Promises of God
This has been a season for talking about justice. What does justice look like in the real world, and how do we use it to send the message of Jesus out to people who need that message? Amos is the prophet who championed justice, especially for the poor and those who live in the margins. This Sunday, we'll explore his message, and remember what it means to be the Church.
Topics: Repentance
This Sunday, we listen in on Joel's prophecy and hear through him a call to repentance along with the promise of blessing and hope. The message of Joel is about what happens to a rebellious community (spoiler alert: locusts are involved), and how restoration is tied to repentance. It is also about how hope and blessing can be embedded in hard circumstances.
Topics: Lament, Repentance
Starting this week, we’re spending the fall exploring those little books at the end of the Old Testament called the Minor Prophets. These little books don’t usually get much of our attention, though we’ll discover that first-century preachers (including Jesus) quoted from them a lot. They are short ... but powerful. This message is on the longing in God's heart for his people and told through the life of Hosea.
Topics: Longing
478 Columbia Industrial Boulevard
Evans, Georgia 30809