Sermons by Book: 1 Corinthians 13

Always Hopes

| January 23, 2022

This month, we've been talking about what it means to be an "Always Family," just like Paul described. What does it mean to bear with each other in love? What does the Bible say about trusting people who aren't all that trustworthy? This week, we'll talk about how to "always hope" in a world that seems much more ready to disappoint and discourage us. We'll draw from scripture as well as one of the more powerful (and famous) hope-filled speeches of our generation, and we'll learn that even in tough times, hope IS possible. This is a good word for a burdened world.


Always Trusts

| January 16, 2022

We hope you’ll listen to last week’s message so you can get the visual of the red Solo cup in your head. That cup is a great encouragement. We know while we are making excuses and dragging our feet, God is waving flies away from our “cup” and waiting in love for our response. Ours is an Always God who never disappoints. This week we discover that he is also a God we can trust, who calls us into a trusting community. I can’t wait to talk through this one with you, as we learn together what it means to be an Always Family.

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Love is Holy

| July 5, 2020

When it comes to the character of God, the Bible is clear: God is love, and God is holy. And those two things are not opposites! In fact, they work together. When we know ourselves as both loved and chosen for holiness, we can love, share, serve, and listen to understand. This week we will talk about the truth that God’s love is for us, and that holy love leads to the good life.

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Love is Patient

| June 21, 2020

We could all use a little love right now, couldn't we? But the answer is so much more than that one word. It's about how to communicate in stressful times, how to disagree without dismantling each other. This is about connecting with the character of Christ so we can see past pain to people. It's about remembering who we are as a community commissioned to love God and love others . . . even those that are, at times, hard to love. Because until we get this love thing right, nothing else matters.

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