Sermons by Book: Galatians

Free To Love

| August 22, 2023

On Sunday, we learned from Paul and the Galatians about all the things we are free from as followers of Jesus. “Freedom from” a crucial step in our spiritual journey, but eventually we have to move on to focusing on “freedom to,” which is all about creating. This is where we get to focus on God’s preferred future. Freedom TO is about going through the right doors at the right time for the right reasons. This Sunday, we focus on the "freedom to" life, and learn from Jesus himself just how life-giving spiritual freedom can be.

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Freedom From

| August 13, 2023

Egypt. Babylon. Exile. These are the terms of captivity that show up over and over again in the story of God. Why? Because God's people spend a lot of time stumbling in the dark of captivity, unable to embrace a "freedom to" life. This Sunday, we'll talk about how to gain "freedom from" so we can live the better half of the good news about Jesus. And it IS great news! Christ longs to fill our emptiness with his Holy Spirit, who brings with him the freedom we long for. Let's continue on this road to freedom, friends. I'll see you Sunday! (now you get to say, "Sounds great! Let's go!")

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Everyday Joy

| November 8, 2020

Biblical joy is not rooted in our circumstances. It is rooted in Christ's presence. Jesus himself told us that he came that his joy might be in us, so that our joy would be full (John 15:11). This ought to come as good news! No matter what 2020 throws at us, we can still have joy in our lives. For the next three Sundays, we'll talk about how to access biblical joy in our everyday lives.
