Whether we know it or not, you and I have lost something of immeasurable value. We may not even be aware that we have lost it. But when you and I discover…
In the midst of an awful drought, Isaac dug many wells and found water every time. In modern terms, that’s like doing well financially in the midst of a terrible…
Resurrection Sunday! Jesus didn’t die to forgive us of sin alone. He died to set us free from the curse! Mosaic friends and family, you are invited to worship on Resurrection…

Genesis 23 & 25

March 31, 2024

When Things Have To Die On the traditional church calendar, this Sunday is Palm Sunday -- the day we remember Jesus' triumphal ride into Jerusalem before his death. That story,…
Isaac's Test, Too This week in our journey through Genesis, we find ourselves in the thick of Isaac's story and one of the most famous scenes in the Old Testament.…
This week, we jump into two strange stories, but this is exactly what makes Genesis so good. It's so real. The writer never tries to gloss over the hard moments…

Genesis 19-20

March 10, 2024

The first rule of camping is "leave it better than you found it." We will jump into 1st John 4 and discover how this rule of camping applies to our…